I have had so many thoughts swimming through my mind about blog posts. Somehow, springtime always fills the hours in the day with things that need to get done around the farm or fun things like riding or running or just plain old life gets in the way of putting thought to written word!
This post will be mostly a picture journal of the last month.
I will try and keep things in chronological order…but no promises. Just as life side tracks me away from thoughtful blog posts…my mind seems to react like Dug the talking dog from the Disney movie Up when he sees a "Squirrel"!
The horses are now out on grass 24 hours. Their time out started with some evenings out front of the house. I always love the look of the horses out front in the pasture. Several nights of grazing here produced some of my favourite shots of spring.
With the warmer weather also means the water in the pond is warmer. And I bet you'll never guess which 2 golden's LOVE that!
Molly has taken to just hanging out in the shallows. It's so funny to just see her floating about for hours on end. She seems transfixed by the abundance of fish!
The warmer weather also meant that I needed to get into the pond and rip out some of the reeds and grasses that quite literally take over the shore.
I even caught a frog!
Marley on the other hand, likes to go in to cool off then find the dirtiest spot possible to roll!
But when she's not filthy from the pond and flowerbeds she can be found sleeping just about anywhere!
I spent some time stacking wood for this coming winter. Still lots more to cut, split and stack but the supply pile has started.
Here is the start.
Here is the helper; asleep! (Go Figure!)

Here is the finished product.
At the end of April we had a wicked wind storm and this time the shelter in #3 got flipped on it's roof. Living on the hill certainly has it's advantages…like not need A/C pretty much all summer. But it also has disadvantages!
Here it is righted with the help of Papa Bear and 3 tractors.
A very strange ring appeared this year in the lawn near the clothes line. So...maybe crop circles do exist?? Kinda freaky actually! Anyone out there in blog land know what may have created this? Never had this last summer.
With the nice weather I have played hookie on a vacation day from work. Horses needed to get vaccinated and I just plain needed some time off with the excessive hours that the line I work on requires at times.
This is how my day started! Seriously, does it get better than this at 7am?
Marley found an antler in the woods and brought it to me. The look of such joy and pride on her little face as she bound towards me is one I will not soon forget. xo
Our land is fully planted. The oats have actually started to sprout and are a good 3" tall now since this picture was taken at the first of May. We have rented to an organic farmer and our land is now in the process of its revitalization and cleanse period. In 5-7 years from now we will feed organic hay to our horses coming off this field!
Mother's Day brought the Burwell clan together on the farm. So good to see everyone after such a long winter.
The orchid that has been blooming in my bathroom is in full beauty. Thank you Tony and Linda…I think of you both, everyday when I get up and see the glow of this fuchsia gem.
A Kill Deer has decided the safest place for her to start her family is on the edge of our driveway! 4 eggs…
I have been trying to keep putting miles on my shoes and with that it means my feet are also getting miles on them! I treated myself to a much needed pedicure. Absolutely loved the job Laura did at Patrick's. Hard to believe that many and that much callus could be stripped away to make my feet sandal ready…well at least for a couple weeks anyway! Full week extended shutdown coming up at work will certainly take its toll on these feet. :-)
The latest running news is the finish of the Mercedes Oakville 10K. Got to run that one with my running mate Theresa. We both had great times. Theresa PB'ed and I had a decent race considering I did virtually no training the week prior due to my work schedule. Ended up 302nd from 1062 10K'ers, 98th female from 584, 31st from 197 in my age group.
Ran the Lynn Valley trail this morning. Beautiful trail and a section of the trail I had never run before. It even had a section that graced me with the trilliums in full bloom.
Ended the day with a late evening paddle on the Grand River with DH.
With the pending demolition of the old storage barn that is currently the run in shelter for Pasture #1…the extra hay that was not needed this winter needs to be moved to the upper barn for storage for the food supply this fall and winter. Not much a dislike more than double handling hay! Ugh! But I got the first bunch moved (200+) bales.
This picture here is just as good as money in the bank to a farm girl!
And lastly, with the better weather the grass air strip in the neighbouring village of York is now open and the stunt planes give us an air show a couple times on weekends and several evenings during the week. This flyer gave us the full tribute with smoke and all. :-)
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