Sunday, 11 May 2014

Spring Grass, Water Dogs and Gardening

It's been a blogging hiatus the last several weeks.
Live has been busy and I just haven't honestly made blogging my priority.   Sorry friends and followers…I do care and I have thought often about posts and have taken pictures to share but I just have ran out of steam at the end of my day to sit and type a few lines.
So I sit, with Smirnoff Ice in hand, pictures down loaded to my computer and a big plate of chocolate cake and ice-cream for dinner, typing a few lines to the world to let you know life on the farm has been hectic but in that rewarding way that makes you feel alive about something bigger than yourself.

May brought my birthday…Thank you to all those who had me in their thoughts and sent emails, cards and notes via Facebook.   I am truly humbled to have crossed so many people thoughts for the day.   Thank you…much love!
Here is my 8 layer chocolate mousse cake.   Yummy!

DH and I also had a very fun dinner party to celebrate the death of winter and birth of spring!   Cheers to good friends.

With the better weather we also had our first fire last week in the fire pit off the pergola.  I got home late from work and DH had drinks and the fire ready for me.  xo

The horses have also enjoyed the warmer weather and it honestly seems rather odd to look out over the fields and see them outside 'naked'!!   (no blankets)    It seems they have had blankets on for so long I forgot how beautiful their shiny coats look in the sunshine!    Em and Wanda enjoy a grooming now that they are able!

The fields have started to turn a lush green in the past week and the front pasture we have used as the initiation field for the start of spring grazing.   This year is no exception and the horses have went out on grass for a few hours starting this week.   They have full bellies after only a couple of hours and there was hay left in the morning at chores…I don't think hay has it's same appeal (even rich 2nd cut) now that the fresh grass has sprouted!
I could seriously look out my front window at this view for hours!

Wanda has a new human in her life!    We have welcomed Melissa to the farm…she has brought a wonderful new energy to Wed night girls riding night!

I spent some time last weekend cleaning up the south fence line behind the pond.   It's full of scrub trees and weeds and lots of burrs.   It really doesn't look like much but it took a full afternoon to get it to this state.


DH and I have a better garden for the veggies this year.   Here's to hoping that I don't abandon ship like last summer.   You can read about last summer's weed apocalypse here!
The garden and the squash patch are pretty well ready for planting…just waiting for it to be a tad bit warmer yet!

With the warmer weather I have also been blessed with wonderful hacking in our woods.   The dogs love to crash through the brush and run along with Izzy.
The wonders of the bush never seem to fade for me.  I was so delighted to find these Dog Tooth Violets and the other little purple and pink violets (not sure what they are called) on my hack this week.   Someday I will have spring bulbs planted along the trails to enjoy.

As for the mutts…aka the wonderful, loving and smart goldens!
These 2 are water lovers!    Which is not a good thing since we have a pond!  They will be spending ALOT of time locked on the back porch drying before they are allowed back in the house.
Today's hi-jinx found these 2 in the pond at least 3 times today!

Molly also treed a raccoon this week at 5am!   Nothing like a crazy dog that WILL NOT come to her name, barking her fool head off at the bottom of a tree.   I give her credit, she has a great nose but at times it gets her into a lot of trouble!  

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