It was a beautiful night and after a long cold winter riding inside it, we both felt like someone had left the gate open and we escaped! She was lovely; forward and connected. Still can see some finesse in all the more advanced work is needed yet but nice to see that the winter's work is coming together.
Here is her trot work.
Here is her canter. We missed the series changes…maybe next time.
Since the last post the mission to make the house look like adults now live here rather than 2 college students with mixed and matched furniture….I painted the wardrobe in the mudroom that serves as our main closet for coats, scarfs, shoes, etc. Painting is not my favourite thing…all the taping on this project always leads me to a tremendous amount of frustration. Whatever the marketing people say about that Frog Tape….it's a lie! NO matter what brand or how hard I try and seal the edges; I always get bleed through! After scraping, the edges looked better but it's still not perfect and now I have touch up work to do. Oh well…it matches the rest of the house…not quite perfect but functional! :-)
Before After

Like my barn boots that bit the dust last year…my gloves from this winter had to go to the heap. I do like the SSG 10 Below's but they really were not warm enough this winter!
Today was poop and dead hay pick up at the girls shelter. This winter didn't provide much chance for mid winter pick up as there was no January thaw. Lots to be removed still but one trailer load is done and there is still ice under the hay I took out!
I had 3 very curious "helpers" when the trailer arrived in their yard. Too bad they don't know how to use a pitch fork!!
Mom and daughter couldn't get enough of the new toy. The dump box now has teeth marks on it!
One load done! Another 2 to go by the looks of it.
I was lucky enough to spend my entire day outside today with my horses and dogs. Trimmed feet and gave all the girls a well need grooming and clip job. Amazing what a little elbow grease can do on 3 muddy ponies! I had a lovely hack with my friend Terri and her horse Elvis around the bean field…3 dogs in chase with a field of two following! This was the first day of the year that the dogs got to be out all day. (Plus, they were too muddy to come in and out).
Marley couldn't stay awake any longer as I was filling the trailer so found a spot on the driveway in the sun to have a nap!
DH spent his day outside today too. He fixed our automatic garage door opener that gave it up about 2-3 weeks ago and he worked up both of my riding arenas and dragged the harrows over the driveway. We have some nasty pot holes at the bottom of our lane!
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