Lets start with the special day yesterday was…IT WAS EMMA'S BIRTHDAY!!! The retiree turned 24. She's still boss hoss in her field and is always the first to come to the gate when I call for horses. I believe Emma has the spirit of my first pony as we have a connection just like that pony and I had. It brings me such joy and love to see her every morning with her nose poked over the gate waiting for a scratch and how she waits every day after each meal for her after dinner mint. Cheers Emmy…to many more! DH and I celebrated in her honour with a decedent home baked carrot cake!
The Twin Trouble Makers (aka Molly and Marley) went to vista their Aunt Terrie at TLC Dog Grooming last weekend for a spa day. They came home looking beautiful with soft silky fluff. I can't believe how soft their ears were! It's nice to know that even farm dogs can clean up kinda nice once in a while!
Here is Marley getting her ears dried!
Here they are looking soft and gorgeous!
We where loving the beautiful +12C day last week but it also included lots of mud which was sad for the spa day!
The warm weather encouraged all the little birds to take dirt baths in the loose stone dust in the barn. Here you can see their little "bath tubs"!
All the beautiful and colourful birds have been active at our feeders. They just wish I'd refill more often by the sound of the jays squawking in the mornings!
Marley was at the vet this past week to be spayed. She wasn't very shiny on Thursday night or Friday after her surgery but she is bouncing back now and looking like the loving, happy dog we adopted. The vet believes that she is no longer 4-5 years old but more like 6-7 years old after she had a look inside. No matter…we don't care. She is still a perfect addition to our home; as she adds so much without even trying.
My little side kick recovering in the sunshine in the arena while I ride.
With the change to day light savings time, DH and I got to spend an evening toasting on the dock while watching a beautiful sunset over the river.
Here's a selfie of us with the sunset!
Here is the sunset.
Here it's almost gone.
DH spent some time shovelling off our pond for skating! He had helpers!
My mom come out for a few days to visit. Her idea of a vacation tho means that she is helping us around the farm with our projects. Love that she wants a "break" and makes our farm her destination of choice! On this visit she decided that waxing all the hardwood floors was in order. Boy do they ever look fantastic! Shining, shining, shining! Thank you mom!
Not only did she do the floors but she also took charge of one of my painting projects too. We got this black corner cabinet but it just never seemed to work with our furniture and decor in the black…so my plan was to paint it and distress it. Doesn't it look fantastic transformed??
Before After
Izzy and I ventured out for a hack on one of the sunny nights after work. With the time change there is actually time to ride outside after work again before the darkness falls.
We were blessed with the view of 50+ deer in the back 40 grazing.
Izzy also made her debut in the double bridle in the last few days. It was fantastic to get on and ride her just like in a snaffle. No fussing, no hassle, no change in her way of going. Thrilled…after the start we had with her inability to take contact after the terrible fuss we went through early on in her training. The decision to go back to basics and take the bit away and ride her in a side pull to connect to her body to let her understand that the reins are only for connection to her mind and insides…not for stopping, turning, collection…ended up being a wise one after all. I am so glad we met Josh Nichol and he reminded me why I ride and why I want to make the connections with my horses the number one priority over any training goal. This is why the training goals are just simple steps when you make the connection the focus. My little baby is so grown up!
This is a pic for my mom…look I got it to bloom again and I didn't kill it first!
Typically my mom rescues my house plants from imminent death. For some reason I am quite inept at keeping house plants alive but I can grown awesome perennials and veggie gardens. My mom gave me this tropical plant last year when it was blooming…and I managed to not only keep it alive but keep it alive long enough for it to bloom again!!DH and I put the last treatment of MAG down on the arena. (At least I hope it's the let treatment!) The dust has been very minimal this winter even with the cold dry weather. The frequent light treatments seem to be a good system.
Here is DH helping me rake in the track.
Here is DH harrowing before treatment.
We had an interesting day at the farm with a photo shoot! Professional photog and make up artist with model Laura Reid. Pro photos will be available on Laura's website in the coming months. Here a couple from behind the scenes.
In closing, my hope for spring is eternal with shedding horses and beautiful spring tulips blooming in my bathroom window sill.
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