Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Running, Riding, Gardening and a Wedding

It's hard to believe it's been 2 weeks since I last posted.   Seriously, where did September go??

To start, many of you know I have been running again this year after a long hiatus.   The spell is broken now after the broken leg and crushed ankle which was...hmm...in 2007!   Really it's been 6 years since that sunny March day hacking along the roadside.   For those that may have forgotten, the gruesomeness...here is the result of a 1200 lb+ horse slipping and falling on your leg and sliding down a 15' embankment in the seated rider position on your side.  I suggest if you have bit of a weak stomach you just scroll right on past this one!  :-)

On Sept 23rd, I finished my first Half Marathon (Run for the Grapes) with my friend Theresa.   It was a great day for running and I look forward to the next run in November, the Santa Claus 5K.  A short one but a fun one!  Here is the post from last year when I did that run with my friend Lynn.

From a riding perspective, Baby Izzy has really started to grow up and be a brave, confident and strong partner.   We have been hacking through the woods on a regular basis now that the cooler weather has eliminated the nuisance of the bugs.   My dad has been working away on the trail.   The water logged first two mud sections are nearly filled in and lovely to ride over.   He has also started to lay the mulch along the trail.    Thanks Dad...we wouldn't even be started this without your help!

Here is the big water hole...nearly filled in.   As you can see Molly is a trusty bush whacking companion on these hacks.   Izzy is totally fine now with a dog bursting out through the underbrush under her nose or right at her tail!

Here is the trail that is yet to be bush hogged and improved.

Here is the mulch in the first area of the trail.

Molly has also been working as ground crew and my ground person.   Her latest thing has been to sleep at the gate of the outdoor while I school.   I like this far better than her antics as of late; running on the road!!!!   Can you see her?...she's the little blond speck at the left side of the entrance!  :-)

Wanda has also enjoyed a bit of time under saddle.   Here is Mandy taking her for a test ride.   Mandy is a new mom that hasn't had much time for a horse since school and married life.  Here's to hoping that she will come back to shed some more love on Wanda in the coming months.

I spent an evening with a friend from work, Richard, working at the Anglican Church Pie Booth at the Caledonia Fair.   It was a fun night and boy do they ever sell a lot of slices of pie in a night!!

My garden had a decent enough yield considering the sorry condition I let it get in.   Yield I am sure would have been higher if I would have weeded it and maybe watered it at least once or twice all summer.    Proof that the stuff I grow is hardy stock!!   If not, it gets choked out and dies.
Here are the butternut squash.  
8 seeds yielded 20 large squash!

The ornamental gourds had a terrific yield considering they basically were choked out from the sun with the 5' weeds.   I had left them for dead when I uncovered them back in Aug.  Here is the post.

On Sep 28th, we were blessed to witness the wedding of my cousin Ned to his beautiful new wife, Lisa.   The weather was absolutely perfect for their day and the energy of love that they share was obvious in the air.  
Congratulations Ned and Lisa!

Pasture fencing is now closed in on all 6 pastures.   The horses enjoyed new fall grass in pastures that have not yet been grazed this year.   It was funny to see them exploring the hills and new views from the top of the hill in #5 and also the interesting round pen footing in #6.
During those hours of completing the fencing runs I had an interesting thought...
There is quite a lot of clover in the one section of #6...As I walked over the area several times to pull the new lines of rope fencing...my mind wandered to a question.
I wonder how many 4 leaf clovers my horses have eaten?

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