Sunday, 10 February 2013

Hacking in the Winter Wonderland

It was a beautiful winter day today.   At 6:30 am when I did chores it was -21C.  By afternoon it was +1C.   Hard to believe that we have such swings in temperature within 6 or so hours.
Here's Izzy and I with my friend Terrie and her horse Elvis.   We had a lovely hack through the woods and fields.  We seen lots of movement of animals.   We had one area in a back field that was obviously a stop over point for several deer.   You could clearly see where they had laid down for a rest and pawed the snow back for food.

Here is Wanda without her blanket.  I trimmed her feet today and we did some work on-line.   She's got big shoulders and they have some serious rocks in the canal that we need to move out of the way so the flow of energy can be let through.   She so sensible and easy's just time, patience and consistency and I am sure she will be so much freer and have the ability to let loose in her balance.   It's been a couple years since she has been in serious work so we have some catching up to do!

This is Wanda at her Mare Inspection in 2009...She is a State Premium Mare.

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