Not that there isn't a full list of indoor jobs to do but the motivation has also slowed to a near death experience! The work in the house just doesn't seem as much fun as the barn work!
The hydro has been getting fixed in the stable. For some unknown reason the previous owners had all the stable lights as plugs at the back of a pump cabinet. I know crazy; 1 - putting full strings of lights on receptacle plugs and 2 - having to climb into the back of the pump closet to plug them in when you wanted the lights on!
We have had the local electrician (who is also our old neighbour from Decewsville Rd) rewiring the barn. We have switches now for the stable lights, the aisle lights and the outdoor front barn lights.
We also now have a couple of plugs, which we had no plugs previously and the new wiring has been run for the new outdoor plug for the heated troughs and the LED flood light for the front 2 pastures.
We also have the hydro service between the house and the barn marked so that the trenching can continue for the new service. The first new pole is "supposed" to get installed tomorrow and then the second pole near the house on Monday or Tuesday. Once the poles are in we can get the new transformer hooked up and that means the new hydro service to the barn and shop. No more 30 amps running the entire lot of farm buildings!
Even tho the motivation has been low for actual work around the house after dark, I have got the spark back for my baking urges. (Uh-Oh, I can feel my clothes getting tight already!) I tried out a new recipe this week; Apple Cider Caramels from The Smitten Kitchen. I have pictures to post however blogger has given me a limit on photos and I can't post them! I am still pretty new to blogging, so if anyone out there has more info on how to get around the limit or if there is a new site that I can use please message me!!
I had a fabulous ride through the woods tonight on Izzy. Just wonderful to get outside tonight before the darkness fell. I timed it perfectly making it down the farm lane back to the barn by 5:10 pm. There are so many trails to explore out back...I can't wait to get some of the farm stuff done so that I can venture out for hours at a time without having heavy guilt for being gone for so long on a perfect weather day. (Knowing that there won't be too many more of those!) The corn is now off out front by the river. I was hoping for decent weather this weekend to take Izzy down to the river.
Baby Molly is growing and we have discovered that the dog we have on the weekend with loads of outdoor exercise is not the same dog that we have during the week when she spends the majority of her day in the crate. The training is coming along very well. There obviously has been the odd accident in the house...due to the lack of Mom and Dad paying attention that Miss Molly has woke up and should be put out! DH has started to work on training her attention span. At the moment its about the same as that of a goldfish! This little dog is not interested in food motivating her to come when called hasn't been as easy as other dogs we have had. Hopefully her ADD will disappear as she grows up...if not, we have a very long 10+ years ahead of us!!
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