We have decided on a name...Molly.
She's just such a little doll. I can't believe that 15 pounds can exude so much love, enthusiasm and exuberance. I also can't believe the set of lungs that a little 15 pounder has at night when she DOES NOT want to be in her crate. DH being the big soft bleeding heart that I fell in love with has "rescued" her ever night except the first night since she arrived! In all the years that DH and I have been together he slept his first night on the couch...with his little Princess baby sleeping with him! I realized at that moment that I had once again slipped to the #2 spot in the household priority.
The house has been restored to its previous level of chaos and I am loving every minute of it!
As I am sure you are all well aware...this blog will now be Molly focused as her antics continue to enrich the lives of those who live and visit us here on the farm!
Molly spent some time on the couch having her before bed nap. I know some of you reading this are going Eek Gads...they are letting her on the furniture! Yep...she's a family member so she gets a spot on the couch. There are 2 types of homes; those with beautiful furniture and no pets and those with pets and functional furniture! We have the later type of home. Maybe in a couple years we will get some new furniture, once Miss Molly has finished her chewing phase. Within 48 hours we knew we were going to be dealing with a chewer! All the throw rugs have been stowed away, if not they would have been stowed away in Molly's bed...as anything she can pick up and carry ends up in her bed.

DH and I spent all day on Saturday re-leveling the stalls and putting in stall mats. Who would have thought that adding stone dust, power compacting and then resizing stall mats would take so long! Seven stalls are re-leveled and 6 stalls have mats now. The other 3 stalls are full of hay for the pending winter, so we will have to get to those in the spring.
Supervisor Molly found Kitty's barn bed and made herself at home.
DH and I took down the old owners tomato garden today. We have been working away on cleaning up around the house before the winter hits. Still lots of stuff to do, the job jar list doesn't seem to be getting much shorter. The barn job jar list tho has been getting a series of things scratched off so I have been a happy wife!
Here's the south side of the house as it looked when we purchased.
I know it looks pretty bare, but once the new perennial beds are put in it will look great. I can't believe the change in the light inside the house; both in the living room and the guest room by having that big tree removed.
After 2 days in the barn reeking havoc helping, Molly was rather grimy. Not to mention the kennel she was in was not exactly the cleanest..so she had a "bird bath" in the kitchen sink tonight. Here she is getting her first bath. She was a little superstar. She didn't even try and climb out once! I can't believe how we lucked out picking her. <note - I will likely be eating these words within 30 days> Dog shaming photos will follow as the need arises!