Tuesday, 9 October 2012

~Warning!~ Mushy Blog Post

As the title suggests…you get an advanced warning that this is a mushy blog post today.   So if you are Ok with mushy, read on.   If not, check back later this week for the next post!
Seven years ago today, I married the most wonderful man I have ever met.

If anyone would have told me 10 years ago that I would be where I am today; in this place on earth; in this personal space; in this contentment in my heart I surely would have laughed in their face!   Ten years ago I was newly divorced after a very angry and messy breakup from a record short marriage that I knew should never have happened in the first place.    (Why is it we know these things in our guts but we don’t listen?)   It was a train heading off the rails before it got out of the station but for some reason I just felt like I had no power to get off until it was a total train wreck.           

Fast forward a year, my optimism had returned and I was feeling so free and alive.   The weight of those unhappy times had been left behind like lost baggage from the wreck.   I had a new lease on life.   I took myself far less seriously.   I appreciated what I had going for me and I undertook a mind set of gratitude.   I realized how much letting go of everything gave me so much more.   Thankfully that train had a wreck all those years ago because it gave me the chance to change and be a better version of me.

I met a shy bachelor steel worker that was kind, genuine and a perfect gentleman.  He was the perfect compliment for my personality and my lifestyle.   Always the good cop for my bad cop.  The relaxation to my go, go, go energy. J We made an instant connection on the deepest level.   We understand each other with no words and words come easy when they need to.    I knew he was who I was supposed to end up with in this big plan our maker in our world has set out for me.   I know I am not the only one to feel this sense of instant connection with someone or some animal in your life.   It’s a sense of “right-ness” without anyone ever having to know why it’s right.   It was like we had known each other in another life and our spirits had found each other again in this life.  

Fast forward to 2005, we married on Thanksgiving.   We had so much to be thankful for and we continue to be blessed with so much love and happiness.    Here we are on our wedding day!

Fast forward to 2012, we have ventured into a new chapter together becoming farmers.   I couldn’t image doing this with anyone else.   The support of my hobbies, my horses and even my unflattering faults…he’s my rock, my best friend, my shoulder to cry on and my goofy nut that makes me laugh until I snort and cry.   He’s all the things I am not…patient, relaxed, care free.   He’s taught me so much about living life to the fullest and being honestly me in all situations.    He’s made it simple for me to create a habit of being grateful and happy through daily life and the simple routine.    He’s made it obvious that the little stolen moments are what we remember and what really count.   They are what shape us into the people we are and the people we want to become.   I am a better version of me because he’s part of who I am.
Here we are now…the new farmers!

He made falling in love with him easy and living this live has been even easier.    That’s how I know we were meant to be together…he makes being in love with him so easy.   Happy Anniversary Honey.   I love you.

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