Saturday, 30 March 2013

Happy Easter, Can Am Expo and Tax Pain Ends!

Happy Easter to all my "peeps" out there!   Thank you for checking into my blog.

It's been a crazy week on the farm.   Tax pain has finally ended for 2012!  Crap there is a lot of work to keeping a set of books for a farm business.   I spent a good portion of my Sunday evening sorting and entering the receipts for the remainder of 2012 into the accounting spreadsheet for the accountant.    I had already spent at least a 3 hour appointment with him getting the files organized and understanding how the government would want to see expenses calculated for taxation.   The appointment this week was a whopping 4+ hours and we should know in another 2 weeks how we faired for a return after he runs our numbers through multiple iterations in the tax software.   It has been a very capital intensive year and DH and I foresee the start-up of the business continuing in that fashion for the next few years until we get the farm up to the standard that we both have in our minds.    It's all good tho...I keep smiling when I think of tomorrow; so it's still the right decision to be broke and happy!  Love you Honey for all the sacrifices you have made for my dreams of a horse farm.   God reserves a special place for husbands like you!
The accountant doing his thing...

Molly Update
Sometimes I look at her and the love I feel just can't be explained.   It's funny how something I have only had in my life for a short few months can just fill me with such joy.   I'm not saying for a second that I have an ounce of joy seeing her muddy feet cross the threshold but the look in those eyes just says nothing but loyalty and love.   This little creature has filled our home with a new energy and enthusiasm  and a touch of trouble that can never be duplicated!
Here he is in the mud room.   I think she is a copy cat...I mean literally a copy cat!   Miss Kitty sits on the bench and looks out the the 50+ lbs dog now thinks it's fine to sit on the bench too!

Vermin Count
Unfortunately, for those looking for more carnage here are out of like.   Death Toll still = 7.5
I think that's fantastic!   That means I may actually have the upper hand for the moment.

My Dad won a radio contest a few weeks back and won 4 weekend passes to the Can-Am Equine Expo.   I was the lucky receipt of his fast dial on the phone to the Tillsonburg Radio station Country 107.3.   Thanks Dad for the was a really nice day out with DH.   Thoroughly enjoyed the demo by Jonathan Field, bought a slow feed hay net (that Emma is terrified of! lol) and a new pair of muck boots.   All that equals one happy farm girl.  Not to mention after a day of horsey fun I came home and rode Izzy outside and she was fantastic...ending the schooling session with a clean flying change in each direction.   <Insert giddy smile emodicon doing a happy dance here>

My folks have also been out with 2 huge loads of mulch for our riding trails in the bush.   We have a lot of work yet before we will be ready for mulch but having it ready to go when we are is a big bonus.   Really lucky that I have 2 parents that are in great shape because they loaded this free mulch from a yard near them by hand and brought it all the way out to our place.   I told them they were nuts for loading that all by mom's response was "We needed the exercise!"   Love you Mom...that's something I would say for sure and now I know where I get it from.

The next bit, I want my friends Karen and Pat to just skip over and stop reading from here.    Ladies just check back next week for a new post!  You both will be horrified by the abuse I have given my domestic sewing machine.   It turns out Wanda is very hard on blankets!   I see so many traits in Izzy that I now know were she got them from.   One of those traits is leaning on objects full weight and scratching against them.   My girls live in a loafing shed that is turn of the century.   It's easily over 100 years old.   The structure is very sound and the hand hewn beams and dowel pinned construction is beautiful.   However old buildings mean that there are add ons and cover ups and stuff that is old and chewed and sometimes not smooth and rounded.   Wanda has found something sharp and has torn a huge rip in her sheet.   This is her second sheet she has managed to destroy since her arrival.   I was hoping this one would get us to naked weather...but I had to do a bit of surgery on this one to get that last bit of life out of it!   
I couldn't haul that filthy blanket up to my studio, so I set up an outdoor sewing station to do the deed.
Pat - I think you need to remind me to clean my bobbin case before retreat in June!!!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Tundra Swans and Special Birthday Ride

I could make a list of the things that I love about living in Haldimand County.   One of the things on the top of my list would be that I live on the migration route of the Tundra Swans.   This week 2 large flocks flew over while I was doing evening chores on 2 different days.   The pure white bodies, the black heads, the elegant extra long necks and the constant conversation of the flocks is really mesmerizing.   I stood transfixed staring into the sky as they flew over.   When I went for groceries last weekend 100's of swans were down in nearby farm field for a rest on their route.  I wished I had my camera with me to stop and photograph the site.   However, I know that I will be able to catch them again next year.   That is I sure I hope I do.
There a 260+ massive wind turbines being erected in Haldimand County.   The construction project began this winter and there are many of these giants already standing idle along the Lake Erie shoreline.   If truth be told, they where a major influence in our decision to move from our happy little property across from the golf course to the farm.   The old place will have 7 of these massive wind machines within view from the back yard and one was going to be just outside the minimum set back allowance.   When the deal fell through for the original farm we had offered on and it had been discovered our house was sold, we knew in our hearts it was still the right decision to move knowing the upcoming construction.   Looking back on that time and seeing where we are now...I believe some force greater then I, had this plan laid out...I am thankful everyday for the powers that help guide our destinies!

Here is a photo from Wendy's Photography Blog from St Thomas area.   This is the view I had from the paddock.

This weekend marked one of my dearest friends 86th birthday!   Happy Birthday Reta!  Hacking with you on Saturday was are such a positive and high energy person...I hope to have half your energy when I reach your age.
Here we are coming back from a hack...Reta on Em and myself on Iz.   Reta and Em have a combined age of 109 this month!!  Amazing eh!

I had a stroke of creativity this week...hence the lack of a mid week blog post!   This piece will be donated to the mini auction at the show that will be held in Simcoe in May.   It was inspired by the changing of the season...Spring has sprung but it hasn't really shown itself yet!

Vermin Death Toll = 7.5
Ok...I know followers are likely thinking how do you get 0.5 of a mouse??   Well...the story goes a bit like this.   Reta came to ride on Saturday and when I pulled the saddle bag and cover off of Emma's very lightly used saddle, 2 vermin jumped off at me and when I pulled the saddle cover out to shake it off there was a small blind hairless baby mouse in the mess of chewed fabric and fleece.   I think it counts for 0.5 of a mouse.   It's one less that will grow up to feast on my oats!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Happy Birthday Emma

Another week has flew by on the farm!   Where does the time go?  

The Farm Matriarch Turns 23
The girls had some play time in the arena over the weekend.   The pastures are mud and full of craters, so not all that great for running around and blowing off steam.  It was Emma's birthday on Saturday...when you see the video below, you will not know she is actually the oldest in the bunch out there!   She's now 23 and large and in charge!
Video Link

Vermin Count = 5
I have got more of the vermin since last post!   I can't believe these idiots are stupid enough to get snapped with nothing loaded on the trap.   I feel 100% vindicated from last years thievery...trap loaded with peanut butter and then finding it licked clean and still set the next morning.   Maybe I was doing it wrong all along...maybe I needed to leave it set with no bait?   I'm not sure what the answer is but I will continue to set the trap and leave it strategically placed for more victims!  
And to my friend Don...I swear none of these are relatives and I like the idea of changing your nickname to Varmint!

Doggie Sleepover
Molly had a doggie sleep over this weekend with my Mom and Dad's dog Dora.   Dora tolerates Molly and her exuberance well; even with her bad back leg that leaves her on 3 legs after a day with Molly.

My folks went on a little weekend holiday and left Dora for a play date with Molly.   She was easy to take care of for the most part.  Trying to keep Molly off her when she was tired was a bit of an exercise in futility, but overall she was a sane house guest.   She did have on anxiety attack when we left her and Molly inside during chores on Saturday tho.   I believe you could say the doors lost!   We need new doors anyway and I guess new trim as well now!

Miss Kitty decided that it was safest hiding out on our bed for the weekend...she did make it down in the morning for her tuna but that was about it!

Indoor Update
We have re-levelled and put a second round of dust treatment on the arena.   There were a few spots that has more stone dust mixed in that were not quite as well treated as the rest.   The footing is really pretty decent now.   Only one spot that has a dip that we will fix in the spring once we are riding outside and the footing can be stripped back and the base can be re-levelled without creating a huge disruption in our training.

From My Studio
I have finished my next pattern in the mini series.   This pattern is now available for sale and is being carried by Quilt Junction in Waterford.    This finished mini is approximately 13.5" square.  :-)  
I have found a bit of time over the past few weeks to steal a few minutes in the studio and do creative projects.   I have also made the realization that the guest room which is considerably larger than my studio is going toto be switched!   Sorry Mom and Dad buts since I hope to eventually spend more time in the studio that you will sleeping over I am taking the bigger room!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Fabulous March Weekend

What a weekend!  Not only was the weather fantastic but I had two incredible lessons with my long time coach, Joe Thauer.   It's been several months (since before the move to the farm) that I have fit lessons into my schedule.   As readers, you know I have been working away training my youngster, Izzy, the finer points that a Diva Dressage needs to know!
She was fabulous in both our lessons on Saturday and Sunday.  She has earned a day off tomorrow with the amount of work she did.   It was uphill, lofty and soft from the inside out!   Tonight, I celebrated being a very proud mama with a vodka spritzer and pizza!  :-)
Special thanks to my very good friend Reta for being so encouraging and supportive.   Seeing your smiling face in the corner with Joe really made the not being able to hear at the far end OK...because I knew form the expression that I was on the right track!
Also a special thanks to Mary Ann and Terrie for coming out and supporting my rides.

Molly Update
The rodent is growing like a weed!   Here she is on her the cats bed this afternoon.   Not sure if you can even see the cats bed at all!  
Here she is with her favourite human outside of her family unit!   I think you can see her love and exuberance for her Aunt Terrie.
Here she is with Joe after a day in the fresh air.   She was bushed and a warm place on the couch was all she wanted.

This is a find that Molly had out in the woods last Sunday when DH and I were out cutting wood along the fence line.   Gross!!!   She popped out of the woods with on of these legs in her mouth and was so darn proud of her find.   It was promptly removed from her lusting lips and thrown into the bucket of the tractor.   Then a little while later she popped out of the woods again and again...4th leg was never found!   Either she didn't have enough time or a coyote found it before her!   Gross!!

Vermin Death Toll = 3
I got another one since the last post!   Yeah Me!  
Warning Graphic Picture Below...scroll fast if can't hack combat photos.
Here's my set up right outside the mouse hole.   I have also reloaded the bait boxes and I hope that whatever I don't get physically; the bait will catch them instead!  

On Friday late afternoon we had a snow storm.   Here is the snow when it first started.   It was gorgeous and the flakes were the size of your palm!   

Then today, Sunday, the weather was +15!  Only in Canada folks!   Looks who's outside naked!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

2013 Vermin Update

If you have been following my blog since it's inception you will be aware of my turmoil last fall with the dreaded mouse infestation we had.
I am happy to report we are not infested at this time but I have been dealing with a very annoying family and extended family of mice in the feed room.   My horses all eat we have bags on hand so that the local feed supplier doesn't have to deliver to use every other week.   These bags are stacked neatly in the corner on a bale of shavings to keep them from getting damp on the stall mat floor when it sweats (or God forbid, we have another flood!).
The mice are considerably well fed and they only eat the grain of the oat not the husk so over time there gets to be an incredibly large pile of husks on the floor!  They have been so brave as to even sit in the stack while I am in the feed room.   I kick the pile and they dart off faster than I can squish them.   They have also dug a little mouse hole near the pile.   My Grand River Trapping instincts kicked in when I seen the hole and I placed an old fashioned spring trap right at the opening.   I knew they would have to climb up out of the hole right over the trap to get to my stock pile of oats.
Vermin Count = 2 in 3 days!!   All done with NO peanut butter just strategic placement of the killing device.  I must have also had a near miss, as the trap one day was upside down and there was a bunch of gravel and oat hulls scattered in the vicinity.  I think I may have had a foot or a tail in the trap and with some overnight effort the vermin was able to escape.

With that, I am in search of a small chest freezer for oats storage.  If you or anyone you know has one that they would like to get rid of (working or not is fine), please let me know.

The arena footing is turning out to be perfect!    The dust control after it had a chance to fully dissolve and DH harrowed it in is making a lovely ride.   The dust is virtually gone now and the added moisture in the footing has generated a better purchase with each stride.

Izzy has been progressing so nicely.  I hazard to admit that life with a young horse may be coming to a close and she may just be coming into her own now as a lovely young lady.   Her work has been such a wonderful part of my day.   After a busy day at work to come home and mount up has been such joy.   She is working forward, soft and in a more uphill balance every ride.   I can feel her getting stronger and more coordinated every week and the lateral work is progressing in a confident, easy way.   I am looking forward to the 2 clinics I have planned for the spring.   I will be riding with Josh Nichol in April and Karen Rohlf in May.   Check out their respective websites.   Both are excellent horse people that have the happy athlete as their first priority...a philosophy that resonates with me.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Arena Dust Control and Almost 3 Peas in a Pod

This Post is from last weekend...for some reason it got stuck in Draft Mode and was never published!

This weekend was a busy one around the farm.
We re-leveled the indoor arena and then put down the first treatment of dust abatement.
DH did an awesome job on the footing.   It’s the best it has been since we moved in.    We have been tinkering away at fixing the footing bit by bit.  After all the excess sand was removed the base was still not 100% level.   We still had a few deep areas and a few very thin areas that made the indoor not as enjoyable to ride in as I would like.   With the re-leveling the footing is much more even throughout.  There will still be some work necessary over the summer to fix a few spots that are just not 100% but overall I am pleased with the results thus far.   
Here is DH levelling the footing.

The dust indoors with the removal at least the top 6” of sand has left the bottom layer rather dusty.   I’m not 100% convinced we wouldn’t have had a dust issue before but my guess is the old owners never had a dust issue because the horses couldn’t move because it was too deep!  J
We have laid our first treatment of dust abatement.   It’s an improvement already and the sand is moist to walk through it.   We now have sand stuck in hooves and on boots.   This is a happy problem!   The purchase from each foot step has improved with the treatment too but we still have not 100% settled the dust.   So…we will lay a second treatment and see how that fairs.   The product we are using is a natural product…the same stuff they used at Spruce Meadows in their International warm up ring. 

Here I am applying the treatment.   

Between DH and I we got quite the work out pushing this hand spreader through the sand.   Scott’s never had dust abatement in mind when they made those seed spreaders!

Mare Update
All is well in the herd of 3.   All mares have now been through a heat cycle together and have become what I would consider civil with each other.
Here they are eating hay together on Sunday morning outside.   All within a horse length of each other. 

Wanda has been working out so nicely.   She’s got big braced shoulders so I have my work cut out for me there but, she is so willing and has a lot of try in her.  I like that…A LOT!   
Here she is working on line…Terrie took this at a good moment!    

She had relaxed and was letting her neck down.   Her tendency is to be braced through her lower neck and shoulders.   I have received my first suggestion on a who to use for a stallion service…Margaret is suggesting Red Wine.   Check him out here.   He’s a handsome boy…love the black stallion with all the chrome!

Molly Funny
So Molly has become a bed bug!   She wakes up in the morning and jumps into bed with DH and I for cuddles and a second snooze.  Sunday morning I was half fuzzy after she had made her leap and settled herself between DH and I.   She kisses us both and then settles down for her second nap.   About 15 minutes in, I hear a small toot!    I was half asleep but felt Molly scramble immediately afterwards.   I held my ground with my back to the action and was thinking in my head…Geez, that's nothing like DH to toot in bed.   He NEVER does that!  (Thank God!)   Then I hear it again and Molly does the scramble again.  This time I rolled over and give DH the elbow.  All offended he proclaims his innocence and tells me it’s Molly!    Then it happens again!   The hilarity that ensued was all my own.   DH is not a morning person so as I was laughing into tears as Molly tooted and then scrambled around to have a look at her butt to see what was there making the noise, he was not finding this nearly as funny as I did.    The look on her face was priceless tho, shear disbelief that when she heard the noise there was absolutely nothing behind her!   I guess you had to be there!   J

It's the muddy season again here on the farm...look at these paws!!   We are going through a lot of dog laundry at the moment.

Birthday Celebrations

Today we had a surprise 60th birthday party for my parents!  Yep...they were genuinely surprised and it was great to see all the family and friends that came out to wish them both well.
It was so hard to keep my mom from doing the entire party planning.   She's a terrific organizer and a great cook...AND she thought the party was just for my Dad.   My Dad on the other hand thought the party was for a friend, Ethel that is 96 in their church!   It was a tightly woven web of white lies that actually made the event a success!  Love you Mom and Dad!   I can't believe we pulled this off!!
Thank you to all the family and friends that helped with spreading the word, keeping a secret and making an appearance today.

Here are my folks.

My mom with her friend from church.

Here is my Dad with Ethel...the lady who helped get him there in the first place!

My Dad with his closest Sister, Trudy and his Surrogate Sister, Wendy.