Where to begin… Molly Update…since she’s likely the single most dominant stream of joy in both of our lives. (Well maybe not at 5:30 am on Sunday mornings!)
She’s growing like a little weed! She’s in the 38 lbs range now. Solid little dog and she has started to get her larger teeth in the front now. DH and I get a kick out of pulling her little lips back on her front teeth because they are so big compared to her canines…it looks like she has front dentures! I’m giggling just typing this now thinking about her funny little teeth. I know small things amuse small minds! J House training is going superb! No accidents in the house at all. Chewing on the other hand is a whole other story! We live in an old house…you already know this. The walls are not perfectly flat and nicely dry walled. Some places have dings and small tears. We have random and miscellaneous holes throughout the house that we aren’t sure what was there. In one particular place by the back door we had a small corner of drywall tape that had started to lift. It wasn’t super obvious and it was on the “to do” list for the eventual repair. Well…Our dear Molly may have thought her mud room needed repair sooner rather than later! This is the small tear…after little missy was bored one day last week! What a little stinker. When I showed the damage to DH…He explained to me that the cat did it and Molly was just trying to fix it before we got home so that Miss Kitty wouldn’t be in trouble! AND who’s dog do you think she is???
Both horses are doing great. After a week of virtually no riding I rode on the weekend and had a spectacular uphill, forward and soft Izzy. I guess the time off was just what she needed! It was a beautiful sunny morning on Sunday so I made my way out to the bush as well to get some fresh air and see the sights. Was lucky enough to witness a pair of deer in the back also enjoying the sunshine.
Emma is large and in charge…her normal self! Her breathing issues have been the best in years. She’s been in the arena to survey the sand changes. She feels the mushy spots need to stay for her rolling pleasure! Literally within a few seconds of cutting her loose in the arena her knees buckle and she’s upside down. This process repeats itself at least 3 or more times in 5 minutes!
With the sand in the arena nearly straightened out, I have moved the horse “toys” in for some fun over the last half of winter. Stay tuned for an update on those adventures to come. I’m looking at building a few of the horse agility toys from Vanessa Bee’s courses…should be fun!
My folks were over on Saturday morning. They once again did not show up at our door empty handed! Another cord and half of fire wood was boxed up nicely in my dad’s truck. We are the lucky benefactors of his wood pile now that he has put propane heat in his garage. So nice to have all this wood in our first winter here. It’s such a warm heat having the fireplace. Thanks mom and dad for the load of wood…AGAIN! We appreciate it…and so does Molly and Miss Kitty!
My love of the fireplace really does end at the heat tho. I thought our previous house was dusty…holy mackerel the dust from the ash in the fireplace is consuming the furniture! I am far from a picky house keeper. (Lynn or Karen….either of you are welcome to visit me anytime with your rubber gloves!) Now the evidence of my cleaning infrequency is exaggerated even more with a coating of fireplace ash on every possible surface. Sometimes the cat sleeps so much on the couch by the fireplace I worry that there will be a clean circle on the cushion when she moves! When is it economically feasible to justify domestic help?
We did a bit of a hike through the bush on Saturday morning. It was a fun morning being outside, exploring and watching the dogs find a scent and disappear to reappear in a totally new location that you didn’t expect!
We found (we think) the one corner stake for the back corner of our lot.
There are amazing trails throughout the bush that runs between Indian Rd East and the village of York. Our portion of that bush is set about in the middle between the 2 concessions. We have a bunch of clean up to do to make our bush rideable …it’s on the list!
Here we are enjoying the winter outside.
AND here are my Parents! (and No I was not able to get my dad to take his cigar out of his mouth…even tho I asked!)
I had a lovely afternoon playing with Katie and her horse Topsecret on Sunday. Katie and T are an upper level dressage pair that have dipped their toe into the horsemanship world. It’s been a lovely transformation for T…he’s mentally so much quieter and his anxiety is like night and day. A testament to Katie’s dedicated patience and sticking to a process that is very different than her previous Olympic level coaching! Hugs to you Katie…he’s a rock star and the crazy mane proves it!
Around the farm…DH has put up a solar powered light in the ‘boys’ shelter. It’s dark in there at chore time in the morning. (As I side note, I have noticed the days are getting longer!! Yippy!) I like to give everyone a once over AM and PM to make sure there are no fat legs or open gashes that need immediate attention. This light is a big help and even tho it’s only a 400 lumens LED it lights up the run in shelter enough to see bodies and pick up the poops. (Very Important work!)
The little birds are still entertaining us. A new window feeder has attracted the Chickadee's!
And this lovely female Cardinal.
The day has finally come that I have retired my 10+ year old flip phone and moved to a smart phone. The electronic leash has been clipped to my proverbial collar and I am connected to the world in a whole new way. Accessibility is such a double edged sword. I like being connected but I don’t always like being able to have others connect to me! The flip phone was my best excuse. “O my phone was dead” or “My phone doesn’t text” or “My phone won’t connect with my car so I couldn’t answer”…ALL of those excuses are gone now. In my car the Bluetooth cuts the radio and announces who is calling from my phone book. I have the phone on me most of the time because it’s my line to wifi and home internet. Only time will tell if I will also become frustrated enough by this device to want to through it out the car window like the flip phone!
Inside the house, we have finally hung our first pieces on the walls. It was not without some trials and tribulations but the large mirror over the buffet, that had been leaning up against the wall on top of the buffet for 2 months, is finally up. Hurray – Tracy your plan worked! I am seriously not sure how I ever got such a frivolous thing to the top of DH’s list to help me with it but it’s done and I am not complaining! I also hung the handmade rug from my mom of Emmy over the fireplace in the kitchen. This house is obviously country, so the rug fits in perfectly. My design wall is also now hung in my studio and the E-I-E-I-O piece is hung in the hall way upstairs. No photos or pictures yet but hey…Rome wasn’t built in a day!