Today was a work day prepping the front pasture and the old run in shelter for the horses to move tomorrow. After my Dad's labour yesterday removing all the wire fencing, I needed to go around to every post and remove the extra insulators and reinstall insulators at the correct heights for the 4 strands of new electric rope fencing. Then between Chris and I we were able to install the 3 top strands and we left the bottom strand off because the weeds are so incredibly tall that they require a serious weed whacker of bush hog. Not having the bottom strand on the fencing will make not only the task of bush hogging easier but also stringing that strand will be WAY easier once the weeds are gone.
Chris and I spent the rest of the late afternoon until dark making the old run in shelter safe enough for short term use. The metal siding had been cut and was jagged all across the top and along the 2 side openings. The previous owner had also cut out a major support beam for the wall so Chris made a new beam and installed that to ensure that it was safe.
My Dad braved the weed whacking along the fence line that follows the driveway. He was half way down the lane and I looked over form the far corner of the field and couldn't believe the transformation something as simple as weed whacking could make! Looks great and again I am going tout the benefits of a little elbow grease! Thanks Dad! Now if only I could convince him to just use the bush hog along the road instead of doing the manual weed whacking. He seriously loves manual labour; I guess that's why he stays in such good shape.
Mom was busy, busy, busy again in the house removing the tape from the painting projects she was working on and cleaning the entire house so that it's ready for the move in of our furniture tomorrow. We came in for lunch and wow there had been a transformation from the past 2 weeks. The main floor looked and smelled so much better. Thanks Mom!
Once again I can't thank my parents enough for all the help they have given DH and I since our purchase of HP Haven. Love you both...thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Had a pop in visit from Kelly and Phil just before dark. Thanks guys for all your congrats and support of our new project. It was fun showing you around so that you can see were we started on our journey. Can't wait to see your new home blossom next year! to come after move's been a whirlwind and tomorrow is the big move.
Feeling a bit nostalgic tonight since this is our last night before we move to the farm. So happy to be moving into our very own farm but this home was our first together and it has been a labour of love too. Finishing our basement, building our little barn and adding to our garage. There has been alot of changes to this home in 9 years, I can only imagine how amazing HP Haven will be 9 years from now. :-)